Trades Tough
CHANNELLOCK® is a company forged by tradespeople and we’re committed to tradespeople across all industries. We believe the trades need support now more than ever. So, we’re doing something about it. From educational efforts to meeting loyal CHANNELLOCK® users, we continue to go all in on trades.

Meet the tradesmen who use CHANNELLOCK® tools and represent the hard-working spirit that CHANNELLOCK® was founded upon.
Ryan Gomiela: The Family Man
Master Plumber Ryan Gomiela trusts his CHANNELLOCK® pliers with every job, ensuring he and his father can pass down Gomiela Plumbing Services Inc. to the next generation.
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Rocky Hyatt: The Traveler
For 21 years, HVAC Specialist Rocky Hyatt has taken his CHANNELLOCK® pliers to job sites across 21 states and 333 cities.
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Ben Vaneperen: The Reviver
Car Builder Ben Vaneperen restores life in cars one project at a time with his CHANNELLOCK® pliers.
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Colten Parks: The Future
Electrical Apprentice Colten Parks learned the importance of quality tools when his grandfather passed down a collection of CHANNELLOCK® pliers.
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CHANNELLOCK® is a proud partner of SkillsUSA. Together, we’re helping the tradesmen and women of tomorrow get ready today.
SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to build America's skilled workforce of tomorrow and helping each student excel in their trade. As the lead sponsor of SkillsUSA Week, CHANNELLOCK® supports educational programs, events and competitions for trade schools across the nation.

To Learn More Visit skillsusa.org

The CHANNELLOCK® Trade School Trade-Up Competition gives trade schools across America the chance to win a free supply of CHANNELLOCK® tools, a $5,000 cash prize and a shop makeover.
Check out 2019’s Trade School Trade-Up Winner: Ladysmith High School