January 24, 2019
Channellock, Inc., announces new sponsorship contract with SkillsUSA
MEADVILLE, PA (JAN 24, 2019) – Channellock, Inc., is proud to announce a new contract with SkillsUSA as an Official Partner for 2019. The Channellock, Inc., partnership is a continuation of efforts to promote and encourage the work of future tradesmen and women.
“We are incredibly honored to be working with SkillsUSA in an official capacity as a National Partner this year,” said Ryan DeArment, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “At Channellock, we believe in supporting trade schools and our future skilled workers. SkillsUSA provides great opportunities for career and technical based education. With advances in technology and a skilled labor shortage, these industry skills are more important than ever.”
There is a growing need for skilled labor in America. The average skilled trade worker today is 56 years old and will retire within the next five to 15 years. Nearly 10 million new skilled workers will be needed by 2020.
In an effort to inspire the next generation of world-class workers, SkillsUSA serves more than 360,000 students and instructors annually, empowering members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA is dedicated to improving the quality of our nation’s workforce through the personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.
“SkillsUSA is focused on closing the nation’s skills gap,” said Tim Lawrence, SkillsUSA Executive Director. “We provide opportunities for students, teachers and industry workers to collaborate and improve within their respective trade while promoting skilled education. Our company partners like Channellock. help us achieve our mission through their support by helping us to engage, excite and educate the next generation.”
As part of this partnership, Channellock, Inc., will be the lead sponsor of SkillsUSA Week, Feb. 3-9, 2019. During SkillsUSA Week, chapter members develop and practice personal skills, technical skills and workplace skills through various activities and events including Appreciation Day, Advocacy Day, Member Outreach Day, SkillsUSA Service Day and SkillsUSA Day.
During this week, Channellock, Inc., will join students and educators to advocate for skilled trades and participate in classroom discussions about the skills gap and the value of mastering their craft. On Service Day, Channellock, Inc., will bring together SkillsUSA and Homes for Our Troops to learn about using your skills to give back to the community. Channellock, Inc., is the exclusive national hand tool partner of Homes for Our Troops and is excited to continue working with the organization through SkillsUSA.
In addition, Channellock, Inc., will throw the ceremonial first pitch at the Louisville Bats game in Louisville, KY during the National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC) on Jun. 26, 2019.
The support Channellock, Inc., is providing to the students and instructors of SkillsUSA demonstrates a commitment to supporting the improvement of our nation’s future skilled workforce.
“We are proud to partner on behalf of Channellock and are excited for the many opportunities that are in store for this year,” said DeArment. “SkillsUSA is helping to change the future of our skilled workforce in America and that’s something we want to be a part of.”
About SkillsUSA
Endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education, SkillsUSA serves more than 360,000 students and instructors each year in middle schools, high schools and colleges. The diverse talent pipeline covers 130 trade, technical and skilled service occupations, the majority STEM-related. More than 600 corporations, trade associations, businesses and labor unions actively support SkillsUSA at the national level. SkillsUSA supports its student members through the development of SkillsUSA Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. Local, state and national championships, designed and judged by industry, set relevant standards for career and technical education provide recognition opportunities for students. SkillsUSA also offers technical skill assessments and workplace credentials through the Career Essentials Suite, a cutting-edge solution that defines, implements and measures career readiness skills for students. For more information: www.SkillsUSA.org.