December 15, 2022
MEADVILLE, Pa., Dec. 15, 2022 --A new episode of the Fox Business show "How America Works" gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at how Channellock, Inc. makes its iconic pliers and their role in building our country.
Featuring host Mike Rowe, "How America Works" examines the country's most essential industries, including one of America's oldest: tool manufacturing. To show viewers how its pliers are made, Channellock, Inc. welcomed Rowe's film crew to spend 10 days at its two Meadville, P.A. plants.
"It's an honor for us to be featured on 'How America Works'," says Jon DeArment, COO of Channellock, Inc. "Mike did a terrific job highlighting the numerous challenges our company and our hard-working associates overcome on a daily basis, which customers don't see when they reach for our products. As the foremost champion for blue-collar Americans, I can't think of a better person to spotlight our company."
Channellock Inc.'s Commitment to Trades
DeArment added that he hopes the episode will inspire interest in the skilled trades, as thousands of new jobs will be needed to support America's growing infrastructure. Training the next generation of America's tradespeople is a top priority for Channellock, Inc., which it supports through initiatives like its annual Trade School Trade-Up competition and Trades 101 program.
A Day in The Life at an American Tool Manufacturer
The film crew captured a day in the work life of five Channellock, Inc. associates: Todd Fleet, Robotic Forger Operator; Ken Pardee, Assembler; Josh Malliard, Martemper Operator; Kevin Nellis, Cell Operator; and David Thiess, Maintenance Supervisor. Combined, these employees have more than 115 years of experience in the tool manufacturing industry.
"We're incredibly proud of our hard-working associates for keeping our company—and our country—running," said Ryan DeArment, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for Channellock, Inc.
The episode will air December 19 at 8 p.m. EST on Fox Business.